Leaders - align your role with your passions


I’ve noticed a growing trend of people leaving the corporate space, because they believe that they can't fulfill their yearning for purpose, or to explore their passions while in a corporate environment.  

It saddens me to see these people giving up on what was previously their dream, because they have lost their way in the corporate world, believing there is no way to attain fulfillment if they stay. 

Of course, for some people leaving is the best pathway, but for many there are ways to find alignment without venturing too far afield from their current trajectory. 

If you’re contemplating where to next, I’d like to encourage you to be open minded and explore how you can align your passions, purpose and interests within your current organisation or industry. 

How can you evolve and expand your role to bring you greater fulfillment? 

One of the activities I do with my clients to help them with role and purpose alignment is map out a...

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What ladder are you climbing as a leader?


What leadership career ladder are you climbing, and are you climbing the right ladder for you?

I am working with a leader in middle management, who is at a point where he is wondering: Do I elevate beyond where I am and apply for the director role? 

This manager is a technical expert, and like so many leaders in organisations he's been promoted up the ranks without any quality leadership or management development.  

One of the key challenges he’s facing right now is that he has received feedback that his team is losing trust in him, as he doesn’t delegate work and wants to deliver much of the work himself.  

He’s doing the work, rather than delegating the work. 

One of the questions I asked him was, ‘Do you want to let go of the technical aspect of your work or does that bring you joy?’  

Through our coaching journey he has realised that he will always want to do some of the technical delivery himself, as it...

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Build your network


Today, I want to talk about how important it is to build your network, even if networking takes you out of your comfort zone.  

A lot of the leaders I work within organisations say to me, "I don't want to build my network because it feels like I'm being political.”

I want to challenge this thinking. I want to invite you to reframe networking in your mind from ‘playing the politics game’ to wanting to find out how can you add greater value to the business. 

Ask yourself, ‘How can I and my team provide greater value to the business?’  

Allocate time in your calendar to meet with stakeholders in the business to ask them, "How do we provide our greatest value to you?", "How can we support your business area more?" and “Who else should I be meeting with to add greater value?” 


By doing that you both strengthen your existing network and build relevant new connections. Keep in mind that all of those people have...

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Strategic Thinking Time


I recently watched a conversation between Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, in which they discussed how they allocate time in their calendars.  

Warren Buffett explained that he deliberately keeps his calendar practically clear, because what he values most is the freedom and space to have strategic thinking time to step back, have great ideas and come up with solutions. 

I've worked with leaders for 20 years and in my experience their calendars are typically the opposite; jam-packed with meetings with little time to action what is agreed to in the meetings. When you add relentless email to the mix, there’s little time to step back and do the high level thinking that can influence positive change. 

Also, when you consider that many organisations have a culture of hard work and being busy, it can lead to the perception that to just sit and think is ‘slacking off’. 

I want to challenge the thinking that if you're not in a meeting, or you're not...

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Case study: Clarify Your Brand


In this video I share how I helped a manager clarify the direction of his career.

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Manage Up to Drive Your Career to Greater Heights


Today, I want to talk about self-leadership. More specifically though, I’d like to focus on how you can access the support you need to thrive, grow, and most importantly, to PROVIDE YOUR GREATEST VALUE to the business and your people.  

When I work with leaders one-to-one in a coaching format, we usually circle around to the question … how often are you catching up with your manager? Because it’s my experience that when leaders have consistent, quality one-to-one time with their managers they are more engaged, more purposeful and more effective – overall, more valuable. 

But despite this, many leaders don’t get the one-on-one time they desire or need to thrive. Indeed, many leaders are resigned to the fact that they won’t ever have quality time with their managers, often citing things like, ‘my manager's really busy’.  

Now, when I dig deeper and start to explore what they actually talk about during the...

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Build Your Network


Build your network by reaching out to the business and learning how you and your team can add value and make a greater difference.

Watch more videos like this at

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How to communicate what's expected to your team


At times it can be tricky to communicate the internal and external clients' expectations to the team. Here I suggest a creative way to engage the team and demonstrate expectations.

Watch more videos like this at

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