Take your leadership, confidence, impact, career, brand & business relationships to the next level.

Elevate in 90 Days (also known as Elevate Your Leadership) is a highly practical leadership program delivered over 6 months (2 x 90 days).

Over the course of this program you will elevate the way you lead and manage your team, develop greater self-awareness through feedback, drive your career and brand forward, and establish key systems to be more proactive, organised and strategic.

"Setting up these key management systems has helped me lead a team of 70 more effectively. The Strategic Communication Strategy, the Structured 1-to-1 Meetings Template and the Strategic Meetings Calendar have been very powerful. It led me to enrol 12 leaders in my team in this program." Vanessa Nativo, Director Finance Services

Hi, I'm Rachael Pickworth from MAD Leaders (Make a Difference Leaders). 

For 20 years I've been supporting leaders to take their leadership and careers to the next level with coaching and training.

Along the way I've worked with thousands of leaders (Team Leader to CEO level) and had the pleasure of partnering with many organisations, such as being a member of the Telstra Top Talent identification team, rolling out leadership career planning workshops across government and speaking at various leadership conferences around Australia.

Throughout my career I've had the opportunity to observe the foundational activities of high performing leaders that make a dramatic difference to their confidence, sense of control, impact, career progression and both management and leadership effectiveness.

I've pulled my experience and learnings together to develop a highly practical program that provides tangible results and behavioural change.

Elevate to the next level...


My aim with the Elevate program is to elevate leaders from operational and reactive to strategic, planned & organised, empowered with systems and tools to confidently and effectively lead their people, and the know-how to drive their own development, brand and career paths forward.

This is a highly practical learning experience. The aim is to learn and take immediate action to embed the learning and elevate the way they lead themselves, their people and in the business.

Program Nutshell

In this program I facilitate a journey where we address three key development areas:

1. Feedback for Growth

2. Strategic Management & Leadership Activity

3. Career Brand & Visibility

The Elevate Journey

Delivered virtually or in-house

"Thank you for a very informative and brilliant course. I was actually reflecting on one of your sessions the other day when I felt guilty blocking time out of my already busy calendar for leadership and team planning, however as I face a mountain of work this financial year, I am very grateful I took the time as it led to a successful pitch for more resourcing where I would have been typically on the back foot." 

Stephen Trevillian, Manager, Melbourne City Council

Stage 1. Purpose & feedback for growth

Purpose, Why Statement & Goals

The work we do in the first workshop will provide the context for the program..

What lights you up?

What are your leadership and career goals?

Your new Why Statement will be the compass that guides your career and leadership forward.


Self-driven 360-degree feedback and development planning

You are in the driver's seat

This unique feedback seeking process will likely be the most valuable part of the program. You will have powerful feedback conversations to share your goals and Why Statement, and identify exactly how you can grow from their unique view points. You will strengthen your brand and relationships with people around you and ultimately develop a highly relevant development plan.

"I was pleasantly surprised to understand how my team views some of my key strengths. I feel more confident in acknowledging that I have some great skills in leadership and that these will help to build a good culture around the team. " 

Steven Morrow

Stage 2. Strategic leadership and management activity

Strategic calendar and critical meetings.

Set up a strategic leadership calendar to ensure you are address critical leadership and management activity

Run highly effective 1:1 meetings with your people to ensure they are engaged, happy, growing and producing great results

How to map out your meetings calendar and what to address in your quarterly, monthly and weekly meetings to align and focus your team

Strategic delivery planning

Align, engage and focus your team with a purpose-driven delivery plan to achieve results that align with the strategic objectives of the business.

"As someone fairly new to a Team Leader role this course provided an amazing opportunity to focus on improving my skills rather than getting stuck on the daily ‘hamster wheel’. The tools and systems provided during the course were great and will help me be more strategic in future meetings and discussions. The course is structured in short sections over a number of months, which gives participants the chance to implement and reflect. Reflection on my own strengths, career goals and areas of development was key to the program with the structure resulting in more constructive discussions with both those in higher level management and those in my team. Unlike many courses where you attend and then put the booklet aside afterwards this is one course where I can see myself continuing to implement my learnings far into the future." Tamara Scenna

Stage 3. Career, brand and mentors.

Career planning

Learn how to take control of your career planning and build your capability to be prepared to apply for the next opportunity to progress your career forward.



Build the brand and visibility of you and your team

Learn how to use a key communication strategy to build awareness of your team's achievements and to provide greater value in the business.


Informal mentors

This is the best kept secret of the leaders who seem to progress their leadership and career path faster than the rest. 


"The ‘Elevate in 90 days’ program challenged my assumptions and approach to leading a team of 60 in a complex environment. It’s helped me to lead better, to stay on course and to have the resilience and energy to ride the waves of the storms that inevitably occur in all leadership roles. The tools have helped me to manage the ‘noise’ and focus my efforts on the activities that benefit my team and organisation. I delegate better, I communicate better and I’m more strategic and less reactive. The program and the tools provide lifelong benefits." Malcolm Gibson - Chief Radiographer Dandenong Hospital, Monash Health

Built-in Support

Managers are a key part of this journey

Managers attend part of both the initial and final live workshops, and during the program support participants with feedback, and discussions about development planning & delivery planning. Managers receive informative emails during the program to stay abreast of the development journey, support participants to stay on track and help embed the learning.

"I have learned and grown so much in the 90 days. I think the thing I got out the most is the connection with my one up manager. Sharing my journey on what I have learned and what I’m delivering has developed a working connection." 

Nicole Hirst, Customer Services Manager

Leadership Uplift Across Your Business

The advantage of multiple leaders journeying through the program together is peer support/accountability and leadership capability and capacity uplift across the business.

Elevate is delivered via our public program or may be co-branded, customised and delivered in-house for your team or organisation (minimums apply).

"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Rachael (for multiple years) for the in-house delivery of the Elevate in 90 Days program. Rachael provides exceptional service by way of participant support, program design and continuous improvement. While the Elevate program is offered as a public program, Rachael works very hard to make the learning experience effective is relevant to our unique needs as a Department. Rachael’s passion for leadership and practical approach in building leadership capability, is what makes her a brilliant practitioner to work with. " 

Danielle Fancellu, Senior Organisational Development Consultant Leadership, Leadership and Talent Development, Department of Transport

Fee per participant: $3350 + GST

  • Delivered over six months
  • 6 Workshops
  • Built-in support and accountability
  • 9 Highly relevant and practical lessons
  • Access from any location
  • Access to course resources for 12 months
  • Discounts available for NFP & multiple participants

Customised in-house delivery  - Elevate may be co-branded,  customised and delivered in-house for your team or organisation (minimums apply).


“I’ve learned the importance of strategic planning that aligns branch and divisional objectives and how crucial recurring calendar meetings are to ensure that my direct reports feel informed and supported. I’ve also learned how to raise my profile in the organisation and communicate my intended career trajectory."

Thelma Kilikidis

"I understand that being organised is a key’s important to set time for myself to plan and take control of my own leadership. Also, the importance of meetings with purpose, being accountable and having regular catch ups to allow for staff to share their challenges and goals.”

Gareth Richardson


Copyright MAD Leaders 


50% Complete

Enter your details below to be notified about the 2023 Elevate Leadership Program which begins in May.